OUT ON THE ESTUARY A SMALL WIND STIRRED. It rolled over the wetlands as a gentle breeze and meekly followed the Thames upriver until it reached the eastern approaches to the Port of London.  There it fed on the rising heat of crowded tenements and industrial chimneys, gathering strength and force until it roiled out of the alleys, lifting the fog and carrying with it the first cry of, 'Fire!'

Daniel Beauchamp realised his error before the day was out but his real mistake was to ignore his father’s caution.

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Field of Stones

The Beauchamp Chronicles:  Book Two

FOR AN HOUR THEY ENDURED TUMULTUOUS SEAS  until the fury returned with the shriek of a thousand demons.   The ship's timbers groaned like a weary man as green ribbons flew from the mast -heads and tendrils of freezing white spume stole the breath of anyone fool enough to face the storm.  Above the cannonade of wind and rain, the despairing sound of rending cloth signalled the departure of the trysail.  Under bare poles and without steerage they were at the mercy of the maelstrom.

When Daniel Beauchamp took the daming letter, it was a mistake but when he gave it away, it was treason.

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Coming soon :
Barmaster of the Soke and Wappentake
The Beauchamp Chronicles - Book Three

Michael is looking forward to the publication of the third book in the Beauchamp Chronicles series.  Date of publication will be announced as soon as possible - you can check back here and also on Michael's Twitter feed.